A. CLOTHING/SEWING/SMOCKING CATEGORY– Clothing must be on hangers.
A2. Dress, Any Fabric
A3. Skirt or Slacks, Any Fabric with Waistband & Zipper
A4. Skirt or Slacks, Any Fabric with Casing
A5. Shorts, With Waistband and Zipper
A6. Shorts, With Casing
A7. Apron
A8. Tote Bag
A9. Blouse or Shirt, W/ Sleeves
A10. Blouse or Shirt, W/O Sleeves
A11. Play Suit or Play Dress
A12. Sewn Vest
A13. Sewn Pillow (machine or hand stitched)
A14. Hand-made Purse, machine stitched
A15. Miscellaneous Sewn Item
A16. Smocking – Silk Ribbon Child Garment
A17. Smocking – Special Occasion Garment (christening gown, first communion dress, ring bearer’s suit, flower girl dress,etc)
A18. Smocking – Other Item (Christmas ornaments, Easter eggs, hanger, purse, sampler, basket liner and collar, baby
bonnets, booties, bibs)
B20. Afghan, Tablecloth or Bedspread
B21. Table Runner
B22. Cap, Footwear or Mittens
B23. Shell or Vest
B24. Child Shawl, Poncho or Jacket
B25. Adult Shawl, Poncho or Jacket
B26. Adult Sweater
B27. Child Sweater
B28. Infant Sweater and Booties
B29. Potholders, Knitted or Crocheted Only
B30. Doily
B31. Machine Knitted Any Item
B32. Scarf
B33. Holiday Miscellaneous
B34. Miscellaneous
C40. Pieced Block–Hand Quilted
C41. Pieced Block–Machine Quilted
C42. Embroidered Block–Hand Quilted
C43. Embroidered Block–Machine Quilted
C44. Appliqued–Hand Quilted
C45. Appliqued–Machine Quilted
C46. Baby Quilt, Any Size–Appliqued, Hand Quilted
C47. Baby Quilt, Any Size–Appliqued, Machine Quilted
C48. Baby Quilt, Any Size–Embroidered, Hand Quilted
C49. Baby Quilt, Any Size–Embroidered, Machine Quilted
C50. Quilted Wall Hanging–Hand Quilted
C51. Quilted Wall Hanging–Machine Quilted
C52. Cathedral Quilt3
C53. Miscellaneous Hand Quilted Item– (i.e. pillow, placemat, table runner)
C54. Any Quilt not listed
D100. Needlework, (pillowcases, table runners, etc. – no counted cross stitch)
D101. Arrangement of Dried Flowers or Natural Vegetation
D102. Silk Flower Arrangement
D103. Decorated Basket – Stenciled, Ribboned, Lined, etc.
D104. Rug – Hooked, Braided or Woven
D105. Decorated Waste Can
D106. Decorated Pillow
D107. Wall Decoration – Bulletin Board, Plates, Plaques, etc.-NO PHOTOS
D108. Decorated Stepping Stone, No 3-Dimensional objects allowed
D109. Decorated Garden Stone, 3-Dimensional objects allowed
D110. Comforter/Throw
D111. Handmade Embellished Card
D112. Computer Generated Card
D113. Rubber Stamped Card
D114. Mixed Media Card
D115. Handmade Holiday Card
D117. Miscellaneous Home Decor
E200. Bread Machine Bread (any variety), One Loaf
E201. Yeast Bread, One Loaf
E202. Yeast Rolls, Plate of Three
E203. Yeast Donuts, Plate of 3
E204. Yeast Coffee Cake, One Cake
E205. Coffee Cake, No Yeast, One Cake
E206. Biscuits, Plate of three
E207. Cake Donuts, Plate of 3
E208. Quick Bread, One Loaf
E209. Muffins, Plate of Three
E212. Cake With Fat, Iced, 1 Cake
E213. Cake Without Fat, Angel or Sponge, One Cake
E214. Cupcakes, Iced or Un-iced in Baking Cups, Plate of Three
E215. Cookies, Plate of Three on 6” plate, only
E216. Brownies or Bar Cookies, Plate of Three on 6” plate, only
E217. Candy, Plate of Three
E218. Gift Arrangement of Cookies and/or Candy, Variety with 3 or more Homemade items
E219. Fruit Pie (No Custard or Cream Pies-No Whipped Topping)
E220. Non-Fruit Pie (No Custard or Cream Pies-No Whipped Topping)
Decorated Cakes – the use of forms or pans is recommended. Cake boards should not exceed a 1-inch margin on each
side of cake pan or form. Use Royal Icing, Rolled Fondant, or commercial product (i.e. Dapp) that will harden and
preserve the decoration on the cake pan or form. Adding Tylose powder to fondant will help it hold its shape in
humidity. No real cakes, butter crème icing, or tube/gel icing.
E221. Decorated Single Layer Cake
E222. Decorated Tier Cake
E223. Decorated Wedding Cake
E224. Decorated Cupcakes
NOTE: All canned foods must be in standard canning jars, sealed with two-piece lids or Collection Elite Caps and be less
than one year old. Each entry must have an attached label stating product, date, method of preparation, recipe source,
and time processed. All foods must be canned according to the latest USDA, Ball, or Kerr guidelines. Only recipes from
these sources will be accepted. Dried or dehydrated foods in the Food Preservation Category must indicate method of
drying or dehydrating and include instructions for reconstitution and/or serving. All dried food entries must be packaged
in canning jars, Ziplock bags, or seal-by heat food storage bags and labeled.
F300. Canned Corn, 1 Jar
F301. Canned Green Beans, 1 Jar
F302. Canned Carrots, 1 Jar
F303. Any Other Canned Vegetable not previously listed, 1 Jar
F304. Canned Tomatoes
F305. Canned Peaches
F306. Canned Pears
F307. Any Other Canned Fruit not previously listed, 1 Jar
F308. Canned Fruit Juice
F309. Canned Meat
F310. Canned Meat Sauce
F311. Canned Soup/Soup Stock, 1 Jar
F312. Canned Sweet Pickles
F313. Canned Dill or Kosher Pickles
F314. Canned Relish
F315. Canned Pickled Vegetable, 1 jar
F316. Canned Jelly, 1 Jar
F317. Canned Jam/Preserves, 1 Jar
F318. Canned Conserves or Fruit Butter, 1 Jar
F319. Fruit Salsa
F320. Canned Sauces (meatless), Ketchup, Salsa, Spaghetti Sauce, or Taco Sauce, 1 Jar
F321. Herb Vinegars, No Oils – in Canning Jars or Recycled Food Jars, No Leaded Glass Containers -1 Jar
F322. Fruit, Dried or Dehydrated, 1/2 – 1 Cup
F323. Vegetables, Dried or Dehydrated, 1/2 – 1 Cup
F324. Miscellaneous, Dried or Dehydrated, 1/2 – 1 Cup (i.e., Beef Jerky, Soup Mix, Fruit Leather, etc.)
F325. Camp Meal with Dried or Dehydrated Foods, Variety of Two or More
F326. Canned Foods, Gift Packaged, Variety of Three or More
F327. Dried Herbs
*All items 400-413 must be made of wood-NO POPSICLE STICKS
G400. Tool Rack or Tool Box
G401. Handmade and Finished Piece of Furniture
G402. Shadow Box
G403. Bread Board
G404. Book Rack or Book Ends
G405. Footstool
G406. Boot Jack
G407. Toy or Puzzle -No pre-made puzzles
G408. Bird House
G409. Bird Feeder
G410. Refinished or Reupholstered Piece of Furniture
G411. Bread Box
G412. Shelf
G413. Miscellaneous – Wood Item
H500. Miscellaneous
I. NATURE CATEGORY– Each variety or type must be labeled.
I600. Insect Display, 25 or More Different Species (Maximum Size 2’x2’)
I601. Leaf Display, 10 or More Different Varieties (Maximum size 2’x2’)
I602. Sea Shell Display, 10 or More Different Types
I603. Rock Collection Display, 10 or More Different Types
I604. Miscellaneous Nature Display
J. PHOTOGRAPHY CATEGORY– The following entries may not be less than 5×7 inches nor more than 36×36 inches
including frame. Photos must be taken by exhibitor and must be printed on photo-quality paper.
J700. Photo Display, Four or More Pictures Mounted for Display
J701. Color Picture Mounted and Matted Suitable for Framing
J702. Black & White Picture Mounted and Matted, Suitable for Framing
K. OILS/ACRYLIC CATEGORY– must be framed and/or mounted suitable for hanging.
K800. Oil Painting,
K801. Acrylic or Other Plastic Based Paint
L. WATERCOLOR/TEMPERA CATEGORY–The following entries may not be less than 5×7 inches nor more than 11×14
inches including frame. ALL entries in this category must be framed and/or mounted suitable for hanging.
L802. Watercolor
L803. Tempera
M. DRAWING/PRINTING CATEGORY — The following entries may not be less than 5×7 inches nor more than 36×36
inches including frame. ALL entries in this category must be framed and/or mounted suitable for hanging.
M804. Pencil Drawing
M805. Colored Pencil Drawing
M806. Crayon Drawing
M807. Charcoal Drawing
M808. Pastel Drawing
M809. Ink Drawing
M810. Marker Drawing
M811. Cartooning
M812. Computer Generated Art–Original Work Only
M813. Mixed Media–Any combination of Media Such as Pen and Ink, Wash Drawings or Watercolor
M814. Linoleum, Wood Block or Silk-screen
N815. Sculpture–Wire, Metal, Plaster or Other Mixed Media
N816. Mobile–Ready for hanging
N817. Pottery–Hand or Wheel Built
N818. Modeling Clay
N819. Ceramic Molds
N820. Plaster Molds
O900 Stained Glass (Leaded or Copper Foiled) NO PLASTIC
O901. Framed Needlework, (Includes Counted Cross Stitch, Crewel, Etc.)
O902. Miscellaneous Needlework—Unframed includes Counted Cross Stitch, Crewel, Etc
O903. Quilling
P920. Wood Carving
P921. Metal Punch
P922. Copper Tooling
P923. Wood Burning
P924. Weaving (Potholders, Etc.)
P925. Stuffed Toys6
P926. Puppets
P927. Leather Craft
P928. Any Item Made of Duct Tape
Q930. Basketry–Any Basket Made with Reed
Q931. Basketry–Any Hand-made Basket
Q932. Decoupage
Q934. Candle craft
Q936. Handmade Flowers–Beaded, Paper, Fabric, etc.
Q937. Flower Pots–Painted
Q938. Scrapbooking–Must be at least 5 double-sided pages in album form
R950. String Art
R951. Slapstick (Popsicle Stick Construction)
R952. Collection Collage — Collage not to exceed 11”x14” in size.
R953. Poster and Lettering–Any combination of Media, such as Ink, Watercolor, Marker, etc.
R954. Felt–Any item made from felt
R955. Jewelry
R956. Mosaics–Paper, Pebbles, Seeds, Fabric, Wood, etc.
R957. Paper Mache’
S. DECORATIVE TEXTILE CATEGORY–All Items must be on Hangers
S960. Stitched or Appliqued Sweatshirt
S961. Painted or Decorated Sweatshirt
S962. Stitched or Appliqued T-Shirt
S963. Painted or Decorated T-Shirt
S964 dyed textile other than a T-Shirt
T970. Holiday Trim–Ornaments, Pins
T971. Holiday Craft–Wreaths, Wall Hangings
T972. Gift Wrapped Item
T973. Miscellaneous Holiday Craft Item
U980 jack stands
U981 wagon or cart
U982 gates or fence
U983 table
U984 chute
U985 feeder
U986 chair
U987 miscellaneous welded object
V. Notebooks, Journals, and Record Books
V990 notebook, journal or record book
W. HORTICULTURE/FLORICULTURE DIVISION SHOW–Entry must be grown by exhibitor. Exhibits should be displayed
on heavy grade paper plates and must be fresh. Do not store in refrigerator. No plastic covering exhibit.
W1. Tomatoes–Plate of 4
W2. Big Tomato
W3. Onions–Plate of 4–All same color
W4. Potatoes–Plate of 4
W5. Cucumbers–Plate of 4, slicing
W6. Cabbage/Broccoli (1 Head)
W7. Squash or Eggplant–4 Small or 1 Large7
W8. Pumpkin
W9. Melon
a. Watermelon
b. Any Other Type
W10. Grapes–One Cluster
W11. Beans–Plate of 4
W12. In Season Home Grown Fruit–Plate of 4, all same size
W13. Peppers, Same Type–Plate of 4
W14. Any Other Fruit or Vegetable Not Mentioned (i.e., Carrots, Beets, Okra, etc.) –Plate of 4 – Same Type
W15. Vegetable Arrangement–Must Contain at Least 5 Different Home-Grown Vegetables Arranged in a Basket or
Suitable Container
W16. Sunflower–Dried, no petals
a. One Large Head Over 10”
b. One Head Under 10”
W17. Jumbo –
a. Jumbo Fruit–one (No Tomato)
b. Jumbo Vegetable–one
W18. Oddity
W19. Gourds–Fresh, not dried –
a. One Large
b. Five Small
W20. Beans–Plate of 4
W21. Tomatoes (cherry or cocktail) –Plate of 4
W22. Potatoes–Plate of 4
W23. Onions (outer scales dry, not peeled) –Plate of 4
W24. Cucumber (pickling, maximum length 4”) –Plate of 4
X. SECTION III–SPECIMEN CLASSES (Cut Flowers) — All specimens must be garden grown by the exhibitor. All
specimens must include foliage when possible. Vases are not furnished.
X1. Ageratum
X2. Coleus
X3. Canna–One Stalk with Foliage
a. Red
b. Any Other Color
X4. Celosia (Coxcomb)–One Stalk
a. Plumed or Feathered
b. Crested
X5. Cosmos (Three Stems)
X6. Cleome (Spider Flower) –One Bloom
X7. Cone Flower–One Bloom
X8. Dahlia–Any Size, may enter more than one variety
X9. Hosta (One Flower Spike)
X10. Hosta (Three Leaves Foliage)
X11. Gallardia (Three Blooms)
X12. Gladiolus (One Spike)
X13. Hydrangea (One Bloom)
X14. Impatiens (One Stem, Any Color)
X15. Lantana (One Stem)
X16. Lillies (One Stem)
a. Surprise Lily
b. Day Lily
X17. Marigolds8
a. Large Over 3” (One Bloom)
b. Medium Under 3” (One Bloom)
c. Medium Under 3” (3 Blooms)
d. Dwarf Double (One Spray)
e. Dwarf Single (One Spray)
X18. Petunia (2 Sprays) Single/Double
X19. Salvia (One Stem)
a. Red
b. Any Other Color
X20. Snapdragon (Three Stems)
X21. Sunflower (One Stem, Fresh with Petals, under 10”)
X22. Verbena (Three Stems)
X23. Vinca (Three Stems)
X24. Zinnia (One Bloom)
a. Over 4”
b. Medium 2”-4” (One Bloom)
c. Medium 2”-4” (Three Blooms, Different Colors)
d. Medium 2”-4” (Three Blooms, Same Color)
e. Under 2” (Three Blooms, Same Color)
X25. Rose (One Stem)
X26. Any Other Flowering Annual Not Listed
a. Three Blooms
b. One Stalk
X27. Any Other Foliage Annual Not Listed
X28. Any Other Flowering Perennial Not Listed
a. Three Blooms
b. One Stalk
X29. Any Other Foliage Perennial Not Listed
X30. Any Flowering Shrub (Not Over 22” Long)
X31. Ornamental Foliage
a. Caladium (3 Leaves, Same)
b. Hardy Fern (3 Fronds, Same)
X32. Herbs (Must be labeled as to variety)
a. One Stem, Any Type
b. Three Stems, Different Type
X33. Water Plant (One Stem or Flower)
Y1. Grouping–Must have 3 different specimens (flowers, or foliage or both- only one stem of each) all displayed in one
container (container provided by exhibitor.)
Z1. Any Annual- One entry per person
Note: Plants must have been in the possession of the exhibitor for not less than three months. Only one plant to a
container unless otherwise stated.
1. Any Flowering Houseplant
2. Any Foliage Houseplant
3. Hanging Basket (May Have One or More Plants of the Same Variety)
a. Flowering
b. Foliage only